A Fragile Existence: A Solo Exhibition

This solo show with (9) The Gallery was planned from early summer last year. I was looking forward to having my first solo show and with such a cool gallery. When January came around it started to look less and less like it was going to happen at all, due to the spread of the virus. 

Considering I had been working on developing this series of artwork for the better part of 9 months, I decided to keep going anyway. If there was no show, there was no show. I wanted to keep developing the artworks and follow them wherever they were going, even without an event to prepare for. Luckily, (9) The Gallery was prepared and willing to go virtual, so now we are back in the swing.

Working on the series

Working on this series was a very interesting process to go through. As the pieces developed, I kept feeling a sense of nostalgia for life, for the moments I was experiencing at that exact time, and even for the moments that I had yet to experience.

While creating the images out of very thin washes of ink and charcoal, I felt intentionality with the layers. I wanted to focus on slowing down the simple, quick moments, and cherishing them.

The Name

One phrase kept popping up in my head as I continued developing through the series, “ A Fragile Existence.”

Leading up to this show, I was inspired by the passing of time, fleeting moments and human fragility in my own personal experience, and by the time I had finished this series, I was witnessing it on a global scale.

The past few of months, have made it more clear. With this pandemic, we are experiencing fragility in a very palpable way for the human race as a whole.

There are moments of sadness and anxiety, yet I feel the appreciation of the intricate life that we have here on Earth. I think of how lucky we are to have this grand display of nature around us and how we can interact with it and each other in countless ways.

This series is to further the conversation of our physical, human experience on this planet together, and slowing down the simple, quick moments to appreciate and savor what is before us.

This series is currently for sale on:

(9) The Gallery


If you want to dive deeper, you can watch my interview with (9) The Gallery about the work here.

I hope you are all well and healthy!