Since May, I have been working on this series' drawings, and I have enjoyed the way they have developed. After trimming some leftover scraps from my studio, I decided to make a series of drawings as an ode to moments of life in the Amazon Rainforest. I have always felt attracted to the Amazon Rainforest; there is so much about it that is magical. The sheer size of it, the species that inhabit it, the indigenous tribes that still live traditionally within it, the medicine that develops from it, the fact that it serves places around the world in so many different ways. It is pretty incredible.
This concept has been developing for some time now. Over the years, seeing how much of the Amazon we have lost to over logging, overdevelopment, and now extreme fires, it was hard to ignore. It was first a personal project that later evolved into a conversation with others as I began to create and share the drawings.
It is hard to wrap our heads around the actual amount of damage that is going on, and it is also hard to wrap our heads around how it could affect us personally, so I just wanted to focus on little elements of beauty within the habitat.
The Amazon Mini-Series is just about admiring the Amazon rainforest's details, little moments of something so grand and incredible.
For this series, I am teaming up with artist Nick Vermeulen from The Netherlands to sell some art inspired by The Amazon and the natural world. The series will be released to the public on World Habitat Day, Saturday, 10-3-2020, and 25% of the profit will go towards The Amazon Conservation Association.